Friday, April 18, 2008

Poems For Today - April 17

Loved the poem about our beautiful "sparkling" Aunt Bernice!
How I wish I could be on the road with you guys
sparking all that creativity and celebrating life together!

Riding Along The Road

riding along the road
with you
riding along
with you
writing along with you
writing along
spinning along, weaving new
spinning along with you
i'm the shenachie
the teller of stories and weaver of tales and singer of songs
singing along with you
in spirit i travel and sing
ringng out new tunes and
soon we find harmony together
riding along the road
with you

Shalom, paz y bien,
Kevin aka "que bien!"


James the boy who wanders
His youth all spent
He never pondered
Or understood
Why he must wander
He sang off key
But played his guitar
In a great key
He is so determined
To be someone
Who is totally free

June Robinson


Hoy estuve receptivo,
escuche, observe,
abri mi corazon
y mi intencion esta presente.
Soy uno,
conectado con los demas,
buscando las seniales,

Hable a mi Guia interno
y me ha respondido,
me ha puesto al paso de los peregrinos,
a compartir la mesa
y alimentarnos de luz,
de lo Sagrado.

Hoy, sensorial y espiritual,
inicio mi conexion
con el proyecto de mi vida.
Que ya lo conocia,
pero estaba dormido en mi.

Gracias al amigo que siembra el Mensaje.

Manuel Nava - Los Angeles - 04-15-2008

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